His love was not fiery like mine, but calm and patient.
His love was peaceful, his love was serene.
His love was not crazy like mine, but rational.
His love was mature, his love was kind.
His love was caring, nurturing , protecting...gently.
His love was meaningful, his love was lonely.
His love was about understanding, about respect.
His love was about sweetness, peace and adjustment.
His love was full of warmth and comfort.
His love was full of gratitude.
His love was without any expectation.
His love was without any yearning
His love was one where I could go back at the end of everything.
His love was what would nourish me back to life.
His love had a bit of sadness in an ocean of happiness.
His love was one I could not repay.
His love was one that I never really understood.
His love was my abode...
Nandini...He was your father...he was the cause of my fiery love.
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